Author Archives: jmatsu

[2019-07-27] New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation – AE911Truth

On July 24, 2019 — nearly 18 years after the horrific attacks that traumatized a nation and changed the world forever — the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District became the first legislative body in the country to officially support a new investigation into the events of 9/11.

Source: New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation

[2018-01-22] “El 1% de los ricos del mundo acumula el 82% de la riqueza global” (y las críticas a estas cifras de Oxfam) – BBC News Mundo

La brecha entre los superricos y el resto del mundo se agrandó el año pasado, asegura la organización Oxfam, y ahora 42 individuos tienen tanto dinero como la mitad más pobre del planeta. No todos, sin embargo, están de acuerdo con los cálculos de la organización.

Source: “El 1% de los ricos del mundo acumula el 82% de la riqueza global” (y las críticas a estas cifras de Oxfam) – BBC News Mundo

La riqueza del mundo no sólo sigue en manos de una pequeñísima minoría sino que, el año pasado, la brecha entre los superricos y los pobres se agrandó aún más.
Esa es la afirmación de la organización caritativa británica Oxfam, que asegura que 82% del dinero que se generó en el mundo en 2017 fue al 1% más rico de la población global.
Mientras tanto, la mitad más pobre del planeta no vio ningún incremento en sus ganancias, afirma la organización.
Oxfam dice que las cifras -que algunos críticos cuestionan- muestran un sistema fallido.
La ONG responsabiliza de esta desigualdad a la evasión de impuestos, la influencia de las empresas en la política, la erosión de los derechos de los trabajadores y el recorte de gastos.

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[2018-08-09] The Industrial Revolution | BBC Documentary

The Industrial Revolution was one of the greatest transformative moments in history, revolutionising the way humans worked, how they ordered their societies and how they thought about their lives all over the world. But was it really a happy coincidence that a handful of geniuses unleashed the fruits of their inventiveness on a grateful nation at roughly the same time? And if so why did it happen in Britain as opposed to France or Germany or even the United States? Told with an international perspective, Professor Jeremy Black explores how a unique international position allowed 19th century Britain to become the richest, most powerful nation on earth and to set in motion the changes that soon swept over the planet.

[2016-01-30] BBC Masters of Money Karl Marx HD – BBC

Stephanie Flanders examines one of the most revolutionary and controversial thinkers of all. Karl Marx’s ideas left an indelible stamp on the lives of billions of people and the world we live in today. As the global financial crisis continues on its destructive path, some are starting to wonder if he was right.

Marx argued that capitalism is inherently unfair and therefore doomed to collapse, so it should be got rid of altogether. Today as the gap between rich and poor continues to cause tension, his ideas are once again being taken seriously at the heart of global business.

Stephanie travels from Marx’s birthplace to a former communist regime detention centre in Berlin and separates his economic analysis from what was carried out in his name. She asks what answers does Marx provide to the mess we are all in today.

[2017-06-23] Money, happiness and eternal life – Greed (director’s cut) – DW Documentary

Can money and power ever make us happy? How much is enough? Our constant desire for more is part of our human nature.

Some call it a useful dowry of evolution, others a fault in the human genetic make-up: The old mortal sin Greed seems to be more ubiquitous than ever. Why can’t people ever get enough, where is this self-indulgence leading – and are there any ways out of this vicious circle of gratification?

“People like to have a lot of stuff because it makes them the feeling of living forever,” says American social psychologist Sheldon Solomon, who believes today’s materialism and consumerism will have disastrous consequences.

Anyone who fails to satisfy his or her desires in this age of the Ego is deemed a loser. But with more than 7 billion people on the Earth, the ramifications of this excessive consumption of resources are already clear. Isn’t the deplorable state of our planet proof enough that “The Greed Program,” which has made us crave possessions, status and power, is coming to an end? Or is the frenzied search for more and more still an indispensable part of our nature? We set off to look for the essence of greed. And we tell the stories of people who – whether as perpetrators or victims or even just as willing consumers – have become accomplices in a sea change in values.

Check out our web special:

[2020-01-30] Casi un millón de sociedades anónimas, suspendidas – La Estrella

El Registro Público busca depurar una lista de 819,565 personas jurídicas, obligarlas a pagar impuestos y nombrar a un agente residente responsable. Esto representa más de $200 millones que ha dejado de percibir el Estado

Source: Casi un millón de sociedades anónimas, suspendidas

[2018-01-02] How Airlines Price Flights – Wendover

[2019-04-02] How Airlines Decide Where to Fly – Wendover

[2019-07-02] The World’s Shortcut: How the Panama Canal Works – Wendover