Category Archives: World

Manipulación para desbloqueo de primera costilla y charnela cervico-dorsal – Roberto Junquera Landeta

Mal funcionamiento del hígado – Problemas musculares que provocan. Fisioterapia Logroño

¿Tienes el cuello bloqueado? Prueba esta técnica de estiramiento – Fisioterapia a tu alcance

Abordaje osteopático del síndrome de los desfiladeros escapulotorácicos – Escuela de Osteopatía de Madrid

Manipulación de las vértebras L4-L5 y L5-S1 – FisioCampus

Magnesium | Winchester Hospital

Magnesium is an essential nutrient, meaning that your body needs it for healthy functioning. It is found in significant quantities throughout the body and used for numerous purposes, including muscle relaxation, blood clotting, and the manufacture of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the body’s main energy molecule). It has been called nature’s calcium channel blocker. The idea refers to magnesium’s ability to block calcium from entering muscle and heart cells. A group of prescription heart medications work in a similar way, although much more powerfully. This may be the basis for some of magnesium’s effects when it is taken as a supplement in fairly high doses.

Source: Magnesium | Winchester Hospital


[2020-04-04] Pedro Cateriano sobre Luciana León: “Qué habrá hecho durante el segundo gobierno de Alan García” – RPP

[2019-10-29]  audios que comprometen a Luciana León – Cuarto Poder

[2020-03-02] Apra Los chats de Luciana León – AN