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Author Archives: jmatsu
[2016-09-29] Los nuevos doce apóstoles de la economía peruana – Otra Mirada
Posted in Bussiness Model, Economics, Perú
Third-Party Restaurant Delivery As We Know It Will Cease To Exist – Reforming Retail
This article comes from Keith Pascal, a long time operator and entrepreneur. He’s a partner at Act III Holdings, a restaurant PE group founded by Rob Shaich. Our commentary on this is that la…
Source: Third-Party Restaurant Delivery As We Know It Will Cease To Exist – Reforming Retail
[2018-02-14] Problems or partnerships? The challenges of third-party delivery services – Arabian Business
The GCC food delivery market is worth $350m and it’s a growing space – the global market is worth $104bn. However not everyone is happy about the relationship between the third part delivery services and the restaurants who provide the food. In this edition of Inside AB, Jeremy Lawrence and Eddie Taylor discuss the views of Ian Ohan, CEO and founder of Freedom Pizza, who has some strong opinions about the unequal nature of the partnership – as well as his suggestions for how to fix the problem.
[2019-04-05] Why Food-Delivery Apps Could Leave Restaurants Footing the Bill – WSJ
America’s love for take-out is spurring a boom in food delivery startups. But what’s convenient for customers may not be good for restaurants. Here’s why.
[2019-07-05] New York Investigates Delivery Apps: Uber Eats, Grubhub, & Seamless | The Barron Report LIVE – Foodable Network
City Council of New York opened an investigation into the business practices of third-party delivery apps such as Uber Eats, Grubhub, and Seamless.
[2017-09-05] Juicio penal por el escándalo de Mediator, el medicamento que causó 2.100 muertes en Francia – 20 Minutos
La razón es que este producto fue objeto de una investigación desde 1995 y hasta su retirada del mercado en 2009. Se calcula que en las más de tres décadas en que se recetó este medicamento (desde 1976 a 2009), lo utilizaron más de cinco millones de personas en Francia.
Para la Fiscalía, el laboratorio farmacéutico elaboró una estrategia para ocultar los efectos favorecedores de anorexia y no reveló los riesgos que entrañaba su uso en términos de hipertensión arterial pulmonar y de lesiones en las válvulas cardíacas.
Source: Juicio penal por el escándalo de Mediator, el medicamento que causó 2.100 muertes en Francia
Posted in Farmaceutica, Francia