Author Archives: jmatsu

Screencastify | The #1 Screen Recorder for Chrome

Screencastify is the #1 free screen recorder for Chrome. No download required. Record, edit and share videos in seconds. Videos autsave to your Google Drive, and can be published directly to YouTube.

Source: Screencastify | The #1 Screen Recorder for Chrome

[2020-03-05] ‘OfflinePedia’, el proyecto que convierte viejos televisores en enciclopedias digitales para entregar a comunidades sin internet – RT

El resultado es un computador de bajo coste, dotado de contenido académico actualizado. Su creador fue reconocido como uno de los innovadores menores de 35 años de Latinoamérica.

Source: ‘OfflinePedia’, el proyecto que convierte viejos televisores en enciclopedias digitales para entregar a comunidades sin internet – RT

[2020-01-30] Cómo Medir Distancias con SOLO UNA MANO – QuantumFracture

[2020-03-03] FED –  Currency Oblivion Coming – Mike Maloney

[2020-02-27] I’ve Never FELT that in my LIFE! My Back Feels A Lot Looser – Mondragon

Wells Fargo Fined $3 Billion for 15 Years of Illegal Practices Affecting Millions of Customers – Bitcoin News

The Wrongdoings

The DOJ explained that Wells Fargo admitted to using illegal sales practices which began in 1998 when the company increased focus on sales volume. From 2002 to 2016, Well Fargo’s Community Bank used what it called “gaming” strategies. Community Bank was the company’s largest business unit at the time, consistently generating more than half of the group’s revenue.

The gaming strategies “included forging customer signatures to open accounts without authorization, creating PINs to activate unauthorized debit cards, moving money from millions of customer accounts to unauthorized accounts in a practice known internally as ‘simulated funding,’ opening credit cards and bill pay products without authorization, altering customers’ true contact information to prevent customers from learning of unauthorized accounts and prevent Wells Fargo employees from reaching customers to conduct customer satisfaction surveys, and encouraging customers to open accounts they neither wanted or needed,” the DOJ described.

Wells Fargo Fined $3 Billion for 15 Years of Illegal Practices Affecting Millions of Customers

Community Bank’s top managers were aware of the unlawful, unethical and illegal gaming practices as early as 2002 but did not take sufficient action to prevent and reduce the incidence of such practices, the DOJ alleged, adding:

Community Bank senior leadership viewed negative sales quality and integrity as a necessary byproduct of the increased sales and as merely the cost of doing business.

Illegal Practices for Over 15 YearsThe U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Friday that Wells Fargo has agreed to pay $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil investigations into fraudulent sales practices involving millions of customer accounts. The practices occurred between 2002 and 2016 when the company pressured its employees to meet unrealistic sales goals. The DOJ stated:Wells Fargo admitted that it collected millions of dollars in fees and interest to which the company was not entitled, harmed the credit ratings of certain customers, and unlawfully misused customers’ sensitive personal information, including customers’ means of identification.

Source: Wells Fargo Fined $3 Billion for 15 Years of Illegal Practices Affecting Millions of Customers – Bitcoin News

[2018-11-08] FreeSWITCH: Open Source Telecom – Asterisk

FreeSWITCH is a scalable open source cross-platform telephony platform designed to route and interconnect popular communication protocols using audio, video, text or any other form of media. It was created in 2006 to fill the void left by proprietary commercial solutions. FreeSWITCH also provides a stable telephony platform on which many applications can be developed using a wide range of free tools.FreeSWITCH was originally designed and implemented by Anthony Minessale II with the help of Brian West and Michael Jerris. All 3 are former developers of the popular Asterisk open source PBX. The project was initiated to focus on several design goals including modularity, cross-platform support, scalability and stability. Today, many more developers and users contribute to the project on a daily basis and we support interop with Asterisk over SIP.FreeSWITCH can perform full video transcoding and MCU functionality using its conferencing module. FreeSWITCH supports many advanced SIP features such as presence/BLF/SLA as well as TCP TLS and sRTP. It also can be used as a transparent proxy with and without media in the path to act as a SBC (session border controller) and proxy T.38 and other end to end protocols. FreeSWITCH supports both wide and narrow band codecs making it an ideal solution to bridge legacy devices to the future. The voice channels and the conference bridge module all can operate at 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 or 48 kilohertz in mono or stereo and can bridge channels of different rates. The G.729 codec is also available under a commercial license. FreeSWITCH builds natively and runs standalone on several operating systems including Windows, Max OS X, Linux, BSD and Solaris on both 32 and 64 bit platforms. FreeSWITCH supports FAX, both over audio and T.38, and can gateway between the two.

[2020-02-28]Tutorial Odoo 13 Avanzado – Operaciones One2many Many2many Fields Mentoring – jvmonyoys

[2019-05-02] From UNIX to Linux – Open Source at AT&T | Amy Wheelus – TFiR

AppBeat – Catch problems before your customers do

Monitor service health & availability with periodic ping checks

Monitoring of HTTP(S), HTTP/2, IPv4, IPv6, Ping, TLS / SSL, DNS, Whois, UDP, TCP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP protocols
Source: Pricing – AppBeat