Category Archives: Energy

[2019-03-20] Bridging the Gap in the Nile Waters Dispute | Crisis Group

Ethiopia is building a mighty dam on the Blue Nile, promising economic benefits for both itself and Sudan. But Egypt fears for its freshwater supply. The parties should agree on how fast to fill the dam’s reservoir and how to share river waters going forward.

What’s new? Ethiopia is moving ahead with construction of Africa’s largest dam, despite Egypt’s worry that it will reduce the downstream flow of the Nile, the source of around 90 per cent of its freshwater supply. It is crucial that the parties resolve their dispute before the dam begins operating.

Why does it matter? The Nile basin countries could be drawn into conflict because the stakes are so high: Ethiopia sees the hydroelectric dam as a defining national development project; Sudan covets the cheap electricity and expanded agricultural production that it promises; and Egypt perceives the possible loss of water as an existential threat.

What should be done? The three countries should adopt a two-step approach: first, they should build confidence by agreeing upon terms for filling the dam’s reservoir that do not harm downstream countries. Next, they should negotiate a new, transboundary framework for resource sharing to avert future conflicts.

Source: Bridging the Gap in the Nile Waters Dispute | Crisis Group

[2020-01-13] Egypt-Ethiopia row: The trouble over a giant Nile dam – BBC News

At the heart of the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt is who has control over Africa’s longest river.

Source: Egypt-Ethiopia row: The trouble over a giant Nile dam – BBC News

The latest talks to resolve the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt over the future of a giant hydropower project on the Nile River are due to resume in Washington later.

Last year a deadline of 15 January was set to solve the long-standing impasse but the latest round of talks, last week, ended in deadlock.

When complete, the Grand Renaissance Dam, which Ethiopia is building, will be Africa’s biggest hydroelectric power plant.

Its construction began in 2011 on the Blue Nile tributary in the northern Ethiopia highlands, from where 85% of the Nile’s waters flow.

However, the mega dam has caused a row between Egypt and Ethiopia, with Sudan caught in between, which some fear could lead to war, and the US is now helping to mediate.


[2020-01-31] Why this Russian gas company sponsors soccer teams – Vox

Gazprom’s soccer jersey strategy, explained.

[2019-09-14] La central nuclear flotante rusa: así es el Akademik Lomonosov – El Confidencial

Aunque parece solo un barco muy grande, realmente es la primera planta nuclear flotante rusa y lo novedoso es precisamente eso, que no está en tierra sino en el mar.

El Akademik Lomonosov, que así se llama, inició su travesía a finales de agosto desde la ciudad rusa de Múrmansk con destino a Pevek.

¿Su misión? Abastecer de energía a las zonas más remotas del oriente y norte de Siberia. En esta región, las temperaturas pueden llegar fácilmente a los 50 grados bajo cero. De cumplirse esta misión, será la central nuclear más septentrional del mundo.

El Akademik Lomonosov es una especie de monstruo de los mares. Con 144 metros de largo, 30 de ancho y *21 000 toneladas de peso es una auténtica central nuclear flotante.
* (En el vídeo se comete un error, se dice 21 toneladas donde se tendría que decir 21.000 toneladas)

Posee la capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de 100.000 personas, además de cordones industriales y plataformas petrolíferas, según la empresa a cargo del proyecto, la estatal Rosatom.