Jitsi.org – develop and deploy full-featured video conferencing

Free open-source video conferencing for web & mobile. Make a call, launch on your own servers in minutes, integrate into your app, or develop something new

Source: Jitsi.org – develop and deploy full-featured video conferencing

(30) 150+ Mac Tips and Tricks – YouTube

(7) The Japanese Art Of Healing Your Money Wounds With Ken Honda – Mindvalley Masterclass Trailer – YouTube

(11) El caucho para neumáticos – un negocio muy rentable | DW Documental – YouTube

(11) Flor Mizrachi Pregunta: José Rojas, profesor recuperado del COVID-19 – YouTube

(36) Yuridia – Te Equivocaste (Sesión de Estudio) – YouTube

LOOSENING Neck/Back Crack Compilation–Volume 45 – SkobyHD

(11) Coca-Cola y un mundo lleno de basura | DW Documental – YouTube


La verdad sobre el Coronavirus – Dra Chinda Brandolino – Glaucoma Lima Center


Kocher’s method of relocating a dislocated shoulder