Eva’s Decentralized Ride-Sharing App Explained – Blockteq

In this episode of Blockteq Talk, Raphel Gaudreault, the CTO of Eva explains how their decentralized ride-sharing platform delivers monetary benefits to all of their users. Eva is doing what almost everyone in the blockchain space aspires to do. They have created a decentralized ride-sharing app that works very similarly to traditional ride-sharing apps (like Uber or Lyft) but disrupts the business model in a way that benefits the users, not the company behind the app. In this, he explains exactly how the Eva Coop is set up, how their blockchain platform works, how app users don’t even know that they are using a blockchain, and much more.

Source: Eva’s Decentralized Ride-Sharing App Explained – Blockteq

Uber Exploited, Lyfted Down: How Ride-Share Companies Cheat Drivers Out of Minimum Wages | The Indypendent

It was a hard-won victory, and one New York City’s app-based drivers now find themselves fighting to preserve. Last August, the City Council passed a law requiring the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission to set a minimum wage for drivers with app-based taxi services like Uber and Lyft. The TLC’s minimum, $17.22 an hour after expenses, went into effect in February. But some drivers say they’re now making less money, as app-based companies tweak their algorithms to avoid having to pay that much.

Source: Uber Exploited, Lyfted Down: How Ride-Share Companies Cheat Drivers Out of Minimum Wages | The Indypendent

BID Economics Panamá

BIDeconomics Panamá: Desafíos para consolidar su desarrolloTras el éxito económico de los últimos años, Panamá se enfrenta al reto de consolidar su desarrollo. Ha sido capaz de alcanzar la categoría de país de altos ingresos. Por delante queda el reto de mantenerse en ella. ¿Cómo lograrlo?

Source: BID Economics Panamá

Work Together | Rolling on wheels of innovation, public service and sustainability | Autumn 2019

Newsletter for cooperatives

Source: Work Together | Rolling on wheels of innovation, public service and sustainability | Autumn 2019

Bebidas azucaradas le costarán más dinero; el impuesto ya es Ley en Panamá | Panamá América

La Ley 114 “que crea el Plan de acción para mejorar la salud y dicta otras disposiciones para establcer el impuesto a bebidas azucaradas y los criterios para su uso”, fue publicado en Gaceta Oficial.

Source: Bebidas azucaradas le costarán más dinero; el impuesto ya es Ley en Panamá | Panamá América

US lifts ban on old-style light bulbs – BBC News

The ban, due to start in 2020, could have seen the end to incandescent bulbs which waste energy.

Source: US lifts ban on old-style light bulbs – BBC News

blockchain uber killer – Google Search

Source: blockchain uber killer – Google Search

Legal – FRAND – Apple

How standard essential patents are licensed affects competition, innovation, product compatibility, and consumer choice. When licensed on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms, everyone stands to benefit. On the other hand, when companies use the market power of a standard and standard essential patents to demand unfair, unreasonable, or discriminatory terms, consumers are harmed and fewer choices are available. Apple brings a balanced perspective to the promises and perils of standardization and outlines several core principles to promote fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory licensing of standard essential patents, addressing transparency during negotiation, merits-based evaluation, portfolio licensing, use of a common royalty base and rate, and injunctive relief. Taken together, these principles provide a consistent framework for fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory licensing of standard essential patents.

Source: Legal – FRAND – Apple

Legal – FRAND – Apple

Source: Legal – FRAND – Apple

macOS Catalina Patcher

Source: macOS Catalina Patcher