Author Archives: jmatsu

3DWhitePaper beos 3d kit -besos -bros – Google Search

Source: 3DWhitePaper beos 3d kit -besos -bros – Google Search

TyCom Systems BeOS Information & Services

BeOS: The Be Operating System

BeOS delivers the speed, processing power and stability of a high-end multimedia workstation on ordinary, low-cost desktop PCs. BeOS 5.0 Pro Edition is pure adrenaline for your PC! Designed from the ground up to handle high-bandwidth digital media, BeOS delivers unprecedented speed and power on Intel-based computers. Continue reading

BeOS Version 5.0.3 Intel and PPC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

BeOS Pro Edition Version 5.0.3 Intel and PPC (disc image)©2000 Gobe Software, Inc.

Source: BeOS Version 5.0.3 Intel and PPC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

WinWorld: BeOS 5 download (Personal & Profesional)

WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to providing free and open access to one of the largest archives of abandonware software and information on the web.

Source: WinWorld: BeOS 5

Old Mac Software Archive – Macintosh Repository

If you’re planning on running the treasures of the past you’ll find here on real old Macintosh hardware from the 90’s, you sir/madame, deserve to win an Internet! For others, there’s SheepShaver, a PowerPC emulator capable of running Mac OS 9.0.4 down to Mac OS 7.5.2 and there’s Basilisk II, a 68k emulator, capable of running Mac OS (8.1 to 7.0). For everything older than System 7, you will need a Mac Plus emulator like Mini vMac NEW! Since August 2016, it is now possible to emulate a PPC and boot Mac OS 9.2.2 using QEMU!Quick tip about Basilisk II if you do not have a real old Mac: it even reads high density Mac floppy disks using a normal PC floppy drive! I salvaged many old files using it while 5 different Windows apps failed at the task. I highly recommend backing up all your floppy disks using Basilisk II before it’s too late!

Source: Old Mac Software Archive – Macintosh Repository


Mac-on-Linux is a Linux/PPC program that virtualises MacOS or MacOSX in Linux.

Source: Mac-on-Linux


QEMU on Wikipedia

QEMU (short for Quick EMUlator)[2] is a free and open-source emulator that performs hardware virtualization.

QEMU is a hosted virtual machine monitor: it emulates the machine’s processor through dynamic binary translation and provides a set of different hardware and device models for the machine, enabling it to run a variety of guest operating systems. It also can be used with KVM to run virtual machines at near-native speed (by taking advantage of hardware extensions such as Intel VT-x). QEMU can also do emulation for user-level processes, allowing applications compiled for one architecture to run on another.[3]

Full-system emulation – Run operating systems for any machine, on any supported architecture

User-mode emulation – Run programs for another Linux/BSD target, on any supported architecture

Source: QEMU

E-Maculation: All About Macintosh Emulation [E-Maculation wiki]

E-Maculation: All About Macintosh Emulation (Site updated October 22, 2018) Welcome E-Maculation is dedicated to emulation of the classic Macintosh computer in Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. This is possible through the use of emulators such as SheepShaver, Basilisk II, Mini vMac, Qemu and

Source: E-Maculation: All About Macintosh Emulation [E-Maculation wiki]

PearPC – About

PearPC is an architecture-independent PowerPC platform emulator capable of running most PowerPC operating systems.

Source: PearPC – About

Free Macintosh Emulators, Free PowerPC Emulators, Free 68k Emulators (

Free Macintosh emulators, free PowerPC emulators, free 68k emulators

Source: Free Macintosh Emulators, Free PowerPC Emulators, Free 68k Emulators (