Category Archives: Docencia

[2018-10-29]A self-driving car can choose who dies in a fatal crash. These are the ethical considerations | World Economic Forum

A massive new survey developed by MIT researchers reveals some distinct global preferences concerning the ethics of autonomous vehicles, as well as some regional variations in those preferences.

The survey has global reach and a unique scale, with over 2 million online participants from over 200 countries weighing in on versions of a classic ethical conundrum, the “Trolley Problem.” The problem involves scenarios in which an accident involving a vehicle is imminent, and the vehicle must opt for one of two potentially fatal options. In the case of driverless cars, that might mean swerving toward a couple of people, rather than a large group of bystanders.

“The study is basically trying to understand the kinds of moral decisions that driverless cars might have to resort to,” says Edmond Awad, a postdoc at the MIT Media Lab and lead author of a new paper outlining the results of the project. “We don’t know yet how they should do that.”

Source: A self-driving car can choose who dies in a fatal crash. These are the ethical considerations | World Economic Forum

[2016-11-23] MMO Economies – Hyperinflation, Reserve Currencies & You! – Extra Credits – Extra Credit

When players can generate their own money in infinite supply by killing monsters for in-game gold, MMO economies quickly get overrun by inflation. In the past we’ve talked about how designers can create gold sinks to solve this problem. Today we’ll talk about other ways game designers approach it: by adapting the same tools used by economists in the real world.

[2020-02-06] Why U.S. Hospitals Are Closing – CNBC

In rural towns across the U.S. hospitals are in crisis. Since 2010, 121 rural hospitals have closed. And, the National Rural Health Association says more than one-third of all rural hospitals in the U.S. are at serious risk of shutting down.

But not all hospitals are losing money. A series of mergers and acquisitions that began in the 1990’s has created massive hospital groups. Many of these hospital consortiums are turning huge profits every year by offering high priced services to well insured patients.


[2019-01-24] Un estudio refuerza la teoría sobre el origen del Alzhéimer: una infección en la boca – El Confidencial

A lo largo de los últimos años, diversos científicos han apuntado a una hipótesis poco conocida sobre el origen del Alzheimer: según su teoría no sería sólo una enfermedad, sino una infección. Ahora, un nuevo estudio publicado en Science Advances refuerza esa teoría y lo hace vinculando esa enfermedad degenerativa con un origen inesperado: una enfermedad en las encías.

Jan Potempa, microbiólogo de la Universidad de Louisville, ha descubierto ‘Porphyromonas gingivalis’ en el cerebro de pacientes fallecidos de Alzheimer. Se trata del patógeno que provoca la periodontitis crónica, conocida como enfermedad de las encías, y no es la primera vez que ambas enfermedades se asocian, ya que un estudio de 2010 ya valoró esa posibilidad.

Source: Un estudio refuerza la teoría sobre el origen del Alzhéimer: una infección en la boca

GNU Health | Freedom and Equity in Healthcare

GNU Health
GNU Health combines the socioeconomic determinants of health with state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics and clinical genetics. It manages the internal processes of a health institution, such as financial management, stock & pharmacies or laboratories (LIMS)

The GNU Health Federation allows to build large, nationwide federated networks with thousands of heterogeneous nodes. The GNU Health federation is revolutionary, and will provide the community, the health practitioners, the research institutions and the ministries of health to have much better perspective and precise information on the individuals and their context.

I hope you find GNU Health motivating and inspiring, and we’re looking forward to have you as part of the team. You can find us in the mailing lists, IRC channels or social networks.

Freedom and Equity in Healthcare !

Luis Falcon, MD

Source: GNU Health | Freedom and Equity in Healthcare

ADS-B Hardware/Software ✈ FlightAware

Best Flight Tracker: Live Tracking Maps, Flight Status, and Airport Delays for airline flights, private/GA flights, and airports.

Source: Request ADS-B Hardware/Software ✈ FlightAware

[2018-01-19] Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy | Intellectual Takeout

Is it ignorance of or contempt for our Constitution that fuels the movement to abolish the Electoral College?

Source: Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy | Intellectual Takeout

[2020-01-20] Esta app utilizada por la policía de EEUU y Canadá cuenta con millones de fotos obtenidas de redes sociales para poder identificarte

Source: Esta app utilizada por la policía de EEUU y Canadá cuenta con millones de fotos obtenidas de redes sociales para poder identificarte

Move This World

When Founder and CEO Sara Potler LaHayne first embarked as a Fulbright Scholar in Colombia in 2007, it struck her as odd that students in conflict ridden Bogota were being taught about empathy and conflict resolution through textbooks. Students weren’t interested in reading about these important concepts.

One day at recess, she watched students passionately rock out to reggaeton music playing from a boombox in the school parking lot. She saw how inspired students were through their laughter and movement and it clicked. As a lifelong dancer, she knew creative expression could be used as a mechanism to promote social emotional learning skills. She knew creative expression could help each of us better understand our emotions, express these emotions authentically and build empathy across communities. It was then that she approached the school’s physical education teacher to discuss how she could use something all of the Colombian students loved – music and dance – to inspire those same social, emotional and civic skills being taught in their textbooks. In partnership with her Fulbright research team, educators and creative arts therapists, she developed and implemented the first Move This World (MTW) social emotional learning curriculum.

Source: Move This World

[2019-02-06] Attractive Face or Not? It depends on Tongue Posture

Youtube Channel: What I’ve Learned

If you’re interested in this topic and how to properly “mew” (practice good oral posture and other habits that encourage good facial development), check out the Orthotropics channel:

One thing missing from this discussion is the health impacts of having good oral posture. Considering the airway is at the back of the face, having a receded chin or maxilla could hinder your airway, having big implications for sleep apnea.

Clarification on the title: I of course don’t mean to suggest that attractiveness depends *only* on tongue posture. Nutrition of the mother and nutrition of the person during formative years surely play a very large role in how the face develops. In fact, the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration would suggest that; fat soluble vitamins being very important for fertility and proper development of young, with grains & sugar (“modern foods”) being very detrimental for development and oral health especially.
Oral posture would be another piece of the puzzle.

NOTE ON SUTURE FUSION: I wish I had used the phrasing “these sutures are not *completely* fused together,” or “sutures are not *completely closed* …” It’s understood that after birth, the sutures of the skull “fuse” together by age 2 or so. One study found that complete closure of certain sutures does not occur until as late as 70 years old. Another found that “The human frontozygomatic suture undergoes synostosis during the eigth decade of life, but does not completely fuse by the age of 95 years” based on 61 human cadavers aged 20 to 95.