Category Archives: World

[2020-03-11] Coronavirus: lo que se sabe de los casos en el colegio donde se registró el primer deceso en Panamá – La Estrella

Dos profesores del instituto Monseñor Francisco Beckman desmienten algunos rumores, y confirman otros que circulan en redes sociales sobre el epicentro educativo que reportó la primera víctima fatal por coronavirus

Source: Coronavirus: lo que se sabe de los casos en el colegio donde se registró el primer deceso en Panamá

[2020-04-09] Scalene – Woman Can Breathe Again! (DISLOCATED RIB FIX) – Dr. Beau

Air Force Active Woman had no luck through the VA as multiple doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors were unable to help her. Her rib had been dislodged pinching nerves that go into her arm and making it weak so that she could not perform push ups any more and had difficulty breathing and feeling anxious. She found Dr beau hightower through youtube and decided that she was willing to pay out of pocket for care that she should be receiving as an active duty servicemember. She was skeptical before she found Dr Beau as many told her that she could not be helped or that her pain was all in her head. Neck pain and back pain can be caused by many things including herniated discs, strained muscles, ligaments, so get multiple opinions if the health care provider you are seeing is not getting you the results that you deserve.

[2020-04-05] Una junta de corte de arroz en la Laguna de Pocrí – La Prensa

[2020-03-05] Coronavirus ‘like a combination of SARS and AIDS’, Chinese doctors say

Chinese doctors say autopsies of coronavirus victims suggest the deadly illness is “like a combination of SARS and AIDS” that can cause “irreversible” lung damage even if the patient recovers.

Source: Coronavirus ‘like a combination of SARS and AIDS’, Chinese doctors say

[2020-03-09] Coronavirus: 6 mitos y consejos falsos que debes ignorar sobre el covid-19 – BBC

Consumir ajo y tomar baños calientes son algunos de los consejos de salud poco fiables para tratar el coronavirus que se comparte en internet. La BBC consultó a especialistas para saber cuán verdaderos son.

Source: Coronavirus: 6 mitos y consejos falsos que debes ignorar sobre el covid-19 – BBC News Mundo

[2020-03-08] Exponential growth and epidemics – 3Blue1Brown

100 Search Engines For Academic Research

100 Search Engines For Academic Research

Source: 100 Search Engines For Academic Research

[2017-02-14] How Big Food is using our health system as a marketing tool. – David Gillespie

Nestle, Danone and others like them, use our health system as a tool for flogging cheap and addictive powdered milk products.  Regulators have clamped down on them doing it with baby formula, now it is time to stop them doing it to our elderly.

In the early 1970s Nestle decided to exploit mothers in developing countries.  The plan was to convince breastfeeding mothers that using Nestle formulas was healthier for their children than breastfeeding them.

Nestle had realized that many mothers in Africa, Asia and South America had a strong desire to imitate Western culture.  So they leveraged this by implying that formula was the modern way to feed babies.  Anything else was old fashioned and primitive.

Source: How Big Food is using our health system as a marketing tool. – David Gillespie

Learning to Program by Creating Games, Apps and Programs

This website will help you get started with LiveCode and writing your game or app.You will also learn to write some really cool programs. It is for you to get started learning to program. It is designed for you to learn by doing. So get your hands dirty and do all the examples yourself. You will quickly feel at home with writing computer programs and understanding how it works.
Soon you will be designing your own games and programs to put on your computers, tablets and smartphones.

You will be amazed at what you can accomplish. 

Site for Foundations of Technology – Programming

Source: LiveCode

[2017-10-05] Presentación del libro “Los doce apóstoles de la economía peruana”, de Francisco Durand – EST