APEDE – Revista Competividad – VOL 16 – PDF


(39) Hackintosh: Replace Laptop WiFi card (Lenovo Legion Y530) – YouTube

[2020-01-02] Consumidores ganan batalla legal en Panamá y podrán pagar servicio de Uber en efectivo

La Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) reconoció el derecho de los consumidores a recibir bienes y servicios de calidad y la libertad de elección

Source: Consumidores ganan batalla legal en Panamá y podrán pagar servicio de Uber en efectivo

GERU – The Marketing Funnel Simulator – Lifetime

For Marketers & Agencies Quickly Map Funnels & See Potential Profit Before You Build Anything! Simulate Product Sales Traffic Campaigns Business Expenses

Source: GERU – The Marketing Funnel Simulator – Lifetime

FossHub: una de las mejores webs para descargar software open source gratis, fácil y de forma segura

Hubo una época en la que era fácil hacer una búsqueda en Google buscando programas gratis y encontrarse una web en la que descargar algo sin adware y otras cosas indeseables. Hay sitios famosos como SourceForge o Softonic que hoy en día tienen una reputación difícil de lavar por culpa de esas prácticas que parecen haberse hecho la norma.Sin embargo, existen alternativas como FossHub que restauran un poco tu fe en una web más sana. Si estás buscando un centro de descarga de software gratuito, open source, sin malware, ni bundles, ni otras porquerías, aquí tienes uno de los mejores.

Source: FossHub: una de las mejores webs para descargar software open source gratis, fácil y de forma segura


darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.

Source: darktable

Darktable, la alternativa open source a Lightroom que sí puedes usar en Linux, recibe una enorme actualización y lavado de cara

En el mundo del software de revelado fotográfico pocos nombres son tan conocidos y usados como la oferta comercial de Adobe Lightroom, o quizás de alternativas también de pago como Capture One.Sin embargo, por años una herramienta open source de excelente calidad ha estado ahí a nuestra disposición: Darktable es no solo una opción gratuita y de código abierto, sino una que también puedes usar en Linux sin hacer malabares, y que con su más reciente lanzamiento, Darktable 3.0 se ha hecho mejor que nunca.Nuestros compañeros de Xataka Foto ya habían mencionado lo prometedora que lucía esta versión, un Darktable mejorado cuyo motor de revelado destaca incluso por encima del de alternativas de pago. Si quieres sacarle toda la información posible a un RAW, quizás quieras echarle un vistazo.

Source: Darktable, la alternativa open source a Lightroom que sí puedes usar en Linux, recibe una enorme actualización y lavado de cara

Pricing Liquidity: The Quantity Structure of Immediacy Prices – PDF

This paper develops a model for understanding liquidity via the pricing of limit orders. Limitorders can be well deÖned and priced with the tools of option pricing, allowing the complextradeo§ between transaction size and speed to be reduced to a single price. The option-basedframework allows the properties of liquidity to be characterized as functions of the fundamentalvalue and the order áow processes. In the special case when immediate execution is desired,the option strike price at which immediate exercise is optimal determines the e§ective bid/askprice. A model with full-information, but imperfect market making, is able to describe many ofthe known properties of transaction costs.

Source: 07-017.pdf

[2019-11-26] Why CoinMarketCap Launched Its Liquidity Metric – Unchained Podcast

Carylyne Chan, chief strategy officer at CoinMarketCap, and Gerald Chee, head of research, discuss the history of CoinMarketCap, why the founder Brandon Chez initially focused on circulating supply to calculate market cap, how the ICO craze has changed the way CoinMarketCap defines circulating supply and how the kimchee premium on the Bitcoin price in Korea at the end of 2017 is influencing the future direction of the website. We cover why CoinMarketCap is branching out into other areas such as metrics, blockchain explorers, hosting conferences and more, how the site has made money historically, the demographics, geographical distribution and behaviors of users on the site, and how CoinMarketCap’s web traffic is 90% correlated to the Bitcoin price.We talk about the fake volume problem, how CoinMarketCap decided to address it with a new liquidity metric, the new Data Accountability and Transparency Alliance they formed, and why they are working with some of the exchanges identified by Bitwise as being the most egregious in faking volumes, and how those exchanges fare when it comes to CMC’s new liquidity metric. We also cover some of the other ways companies have tried to address the fake volume issue, how CoinMarketCap tries to identify the “true price” for any cryptocurrency (and why USDT makes this hard), and what the circulating supply of Ripple should be.

Source: Why CoinMarketCap Launched Its Liquidity Metric – Unchained Podcast

Why CoinMarketCap Launched Its Liquidity Metric – Unchained Podcast

Carylyne Chan, chief strategy officer at CoinMarketCap, and Gerald Chee, head of research, discuss the history of CoinMarketCap, why the founder Brandon Chez initially focused on circulating supply to calculate market cap, how the ICO craze has changed the way CoinMarketCap defines circulating supply and how the kimchee premium on the Bitcoin price in Korea at the end of 2017 is influencing the future direction of the website. We cover why CoinMarketCap is branching out into other areas such as metrics, blockchain explorers, hosting conferences and more, how the site has made money historically, the demographics, geographical distribution and behaviors of users on the site, and how CoinMarketCap’s web traffic is 90% correlated to the Bitcoin price.We talk about the fake volume problem, how CoinMarketCap decided to address it with a new liquidity metric, the new Data Accountability and Transparency Alliance they formed, and why they are working with some of the exchanges identified by Bitwise as being the most egregious in faking volumes, and how those exchanges fare when it comes to CMC’s new liquidity metric. We also cover some of the other ways companies have tried to address the fake volume issue, how CoinMarketCap tries to identify the “true price” for any cryptocurrency (and why USDT makes this hard), and what the circulating supply of Ripple should be.

Source: Why CoinMarketCap Launched Its Liquidity Metric – Unchained Podcast