Author Archives: jmatsu

[2007-04-14] Radioprotective Potential of Plants and Herbs against the Effects of Ionizing Radiation


Ionizing radiations produce deleterious effects in the living organisms and the rapid technological advancement has increased human exposure to ionizing radiations enormously. There is a need to protect humans against such effects of ionizing radiation. Attempts to protect against the deleterious effects of ionizing radiations by pharmacological intervention were made as early as 1949 and efforts are continued to search radioprotectors, which may be of great help for human application. This review mainly dwells on the radioprotective potential of plant and herbal extracts. The results obtained from in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that several botanicals such as Gingko bilobaCentella asiaticaHippophae rhamnoidesOcimum sanctumPanax ginsengPodophyllum hexandrumAmaranthus paniculatusEmblica officinalisPhyllanthus amarusPiper longumTinospora cordifoilaMentha arvensisMentha piperitaSyzygium cuminiZingiber officinaleAgeratum conyzoidesAegle marmelos and Aphanamixis polystachya protect against radiation-induced lethality, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage. The fractionation-guided evaluation may help to develop new radioprotectors of desired activities.

Keywords: radioprotection, antioxidant, survival, micronuclei

Source: Radioprotective Potential of Plants and Herbs against the Effects of Ionizing Radiation

[2015-10-07] Watch This Levitating Water Droplet Contort Itself Into Different Shapes – VICE

In this video, some scientists at Clemson University manage not only to levitate a water droplet using sound, but manipulate its shape—and the results are really cool.

By introducing the droplet into a pressure field created by a sound-producing transducer and a reflector that bounces the sound back, they get the now-flattened droplet to suspend itself in midair. Changing the sound issuing from the transducer causes the droplet to contort itself into varying shapes.

Sometimes science is just nice to look at.

Source: Watch This Levitating Water Droplet Contort Itself Into Different Shapes – VICE

LEFT chest pain causes – Google Search

Source: LEFT chest pain causes – Google Search

[2016-11-23] MMO Economies – Hyperinflation, Reserve Currencies & You! – Extra Credits – Extra Credit

When players can generate their own money in infinite supply by killing monsters for in-game gold, MMO economies quickly get overrun by inflation. In the past we’ve talked about how designers can create gold sinks to solve this problem. Today we’ll talk about other ways game designers approach it: by adapting the same tools used by economists in the real world.

[2020-02-06] Why U.S. Hospitals Are Closing – CNBC

In rural towns across the U.S. hospitals are in crisis. Since 2010, 121 rural hospitals have closed. And, the National Rural Health Association says more than one-third of all rural hospitals in the U.S. are at serious risk of shutting down.

But not all hospitals are losing money. A series of mergers and acquisitions that began in the 1990’s has created massive hospital groups. Many of these hospital consortiums are turning huge profits every year by offering high priced services to well insured patients.


[2019-01-24] Un estudio refuerza la teoría sobre el origen del Alzhéimer: una infección en la boca – El Confidencial

A lo largo de los últimos años, diversos científicos han apuntado a una hipótesis poco conocida sobre el origen del Alzheimer: según su teoría no sería sólo una enfermedad, sino una infección. Ahora, un nuevo estudio publicado en Science Advances refuerza esa teoría y lo hace vinculando esa enfermedad degenerativa con un origen inesperado: una enfermedad en las encías.

Jan Potempa, microbiólogo de la Universidad de Louisville, ha descubierto ‘Porphyromonas gingivalis’ en el cerebro de pacientes fallecidos de Alzheimer. Se trata del patógeno que provoca la periodontitis crónica, conocida como enfermedad de las encías, y no es la primera vez que ambas enfermedades se asocian, ya que un estudio de 2010 ya valoró esa posibilidad.

Source: Un estudio refuerza la teoría sobre el origen del Alzhéimer: una infección en la boca

Cannabis Absorbs Nuclear Radiation

The many uses of the HEMP/CANNABIS plant include much more than the relaxing euphoric feeling caused by THC. Paper, fuel, rope, plastic, and countless other uses have been identified.

However one of the attribute you may not have heard about is the cannabis plant’s ability to absorb nuclear radiation.

Hemp was actually used in the cleaning up of Chernobyl, similar to the sunflower plants. Thus for the recent nuclear disaster in Japan, cultivation of hemp is a viable alternative since this plant absorbs the radiation. It is also viable to other places with regards on the laws of the states and the country that is going to be planted. Continue reading

Vantec 4-Port USB 3.0 – Hub – HUB de 4 Puertos USB 3.0, Puerto para adaptador de corriente de 5V, Yoytec Computer, S.A.

Vantec 4-Port USB 3.0 – Hub – HUB de 4 Puertos USB 3.0, Puerto para adaptador de corriente de 5V Características Principales El Vantec 4 puertos USB 3.0 Bus-Powered Travel Hub abre la posibilidad ..

Source: Vantec 4-Port USB 3.0 – Hub – HUB de 4 Puertos USB 3.0, Puerto para adaptador de corriente de 5V, Yoytec Computer, S.A.

ArchiveOS – Archive of Operating Systems

About ArchiveOS

Our mission
Archive of Operating Systems mission is saving the great job of many great people whose created Open Source and/or Freeware distributions/operating systems.
The systems we archive are based on Linux, BSD, DOS, Solaris, and other, independent technology.

Why we do that?
The most important is to save the systems and let the next generations of users find them, try them and learn about them as much as possible.
The old systems should not be used for daily usage on production workstations, but can be used for education purpose.

Which ones?
The most important criterias are:
1. The system has been published under a license which lets us offers it to share and download.
2. The system has been not under development more than 1 year or
3. The system’s developer announced finishing and/or closing down the project or
4. The system’s developer stopped development a version of the system so we can archive it, but other versions are still under development
5. The system’s image is available to get so we can move it to our download server and create a web page.

You can be surprised, that an active OS is listed at, but it happens. Why?
1. An OS been added even its development is active, to provide the first ever iso image, for example
2. An OS was not under development in the time of adding it to, but a new or old developer re-activated the project bringing it back to life
3. Development of an OS was quiet, means no new releases for long time, but the development is/was doing in “a shadow” (not sure it was or not active)
In cases like that, if I got message or find out that a non active project is active, additional info about activity is added to the project’s archive page.

How much is it?
All the archived systems are free of charge as the original developer(s) was(were) offering before so we don’t charge you.
Anyway we have to pay bills to keep ArchiveOS alive so donations are warm welcome.

You can propose your, not being under development operating system any more or give us a tip about another, not archived OS yet via the community pages.

Check statistics out of

Source: ArchiveOS

BeOS | Revolvy

BeOS is an operating system for personal computers first developed by Be Inc. in 1991. It was first written to run on BeBox hardware. BeOS was built for digital media work and was written to take advantage of modern hardware facilities such as symmetric multiprocessing by utilizing modular I/O bandwidth, pervasive multithreading, preemptive multitasking and a 64-bit journaling file system known as BFS. The BeOS GUI was developed on the principles of clarity and a clean, uncluttered design.

The API was written in C++ for ease of programming. It has partial POSIX compatibility and access to a command-line interface through Bash, although internally it is not a Unix-derived operating system. Continue reading